Paradise Ranch Tours

“The pictures don’t do it justice!”, “ I can’t believe how beautiful it really is in person!” We hear this all the time. But sometimes, actually being here isn’t as easy as we would like. We have the next best thing, in our virtual iGuide self directed tour. Like a real estate tour, you are able to see 360 degrees around you from one corner of the ranch to the other- and even down to the river!


weekday and weekend options

If you can arrange an “in person tour” and want to see for yourself, we have options almost all year long. Tell me a bit about yourselves and your love story. This information will help me tailor your tour specifically to your needs.


Please bring with you those people whose opinion you would like before booking your venue. We invite you to bring them back for a second look or anyone else who can’t make it to one of our open houses held each spring on specific dates. RSVP required

Directions to Paradise Ranch:

South from Pagosa Springs, Colorado on Hwy 84 for 10 miles. After mile marker 17 turn left immediately before crossing the green bridge over the Blanco River.

North from Chama, New Mexico on Hwy 84. After mile marker 18, turn right immediately after crossing the green bridge over the Blanco River.